- VIP Membership Card sent to your address.
- Free Entry to all Chili Fest main Events for you and a guest (3 per year in Berlin).
- Que jump with your VIP card at all main chili fest events.
- Invite to Berlin Chili community annual dinner.
- Berlin Chili Festival limited edition t-shirt sent to your address.
- Berlin Chili Festival limited edition Tote Bag sent to your address.
- Free Margarita or Beer when you arrive at the Berlin Chili Festival main events.
- First refusal on limited edition hot sauce and spicy deals.
- Discounts on multiple places with your VIP card sent by exclusive email.
- 10% Discount on the Chili Punk website on all hot sauce purchases.
- Wall of fame & special thanks on the Berlin Chili Festival website for you or your business with links (if wanted), you can also remain anonymous.